Posted by: susanfisher | August 4, 2010

Case Studies

Case Studies

What an exercise in confusion, time constraints and exhausted team members this case study has been.  From the outset the outline of the requirements appeared to be deliberately confusing. Judith and Bill have been known to do that!

I have done lots of Business Case Studies and I am familiar with the ambiguities that a case study can give. A business case study will give a scenario, a multitude of quantitative information and the problem is not stated. The student is to do the quantitative analysis, apply the theory that applies to the date and come up with recommendations, major and minor. A brief report is written with all of the analysis in the appendices. It is a summative task and will take into consideration all of the knowledge which has been learned up to that point. Most are written within an exam confines so further outside research is not possible, the student must work with the date that they have.

The educational case study is similar in that there is a case setting and there is a perspective. However, the problem, which initially appears clear, is not an all clear and the requirements are even more confusing. The exercise is in educational theory, not pandemic training but that is a struggle to have clarity.

Add to that confusion is the environmental factor of time constraints, There is in reality, only 3 days to do this case study. We are again working in a new team environment, this is perhaps our 4 or 5 team activity and I keep forgetting who is on my team. We are all very tired and information overload happened three days ago. There is little energy left. It sure feels like the end of term time.

What to learn from this to take back to my classroom? Perhaps a case activity is best undertaken within the classroom, so that the students understand what the activities should be and with what scaffolding. What research is requirement and how should this be undertaken. Who is responsible for which portion of the team work? The timing would be to do this early in the term and work through several mini cases before letting the students loose with a deliverable. The knowledge journey should be outlined for them as their critical thinking skills will not be at th graduate level and this is likely the first time they have undertaken this activity. Enough time should be allowed with the deliverables being broken down into manageable chunks.

The instructor must have a very clear goal of the learning journey that the students are undertaking and they should be available for consultation.  Personal coach and perhaps alcohol might also help with my fluidity! OR do I mean liquidity?

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